Connect - Create - Transform


“Creativity can be defined as an original act of imagination that brings something into existence. It is a desire and innate drive to make new connections between things, to give form, and to transform.’ Shaun Mc Niff.”

Everybody goes through challenging times over the course of their life. Negative past events, painful feelings and confusion can be difficult to process.
Whether you are a professional, a person with an illness, or someone who wishes to get more out of life through deeper self-awareness and personal growth, it’s important to know about the the mind-body connection and to be able to put that knowledge into action to benefit from it.

‘Well being in Hand’ is a psycho-therapeutic service that mindfully integrates creative and talk therapies to support and encourage self-exploration and personal development. Mindfulness within a creative process brings awareness of the breath and the body to break unhelpful thought patterns and create new points of reference. No previous creative experience is necessary.

‘Coming to a crossroads in my career, I needed to find clarity on what to do next...
Birgitte helped me uncover and explore at depth my driving force and why I’m drawn to certain situations or people. The creative process was enjoyable (I felt like a child again and didn’t want to stop), but it also made me think in a different way, exercising parts of my brain that rarely get exercised, to uncover what perhaps verbal therapy would not have tapped into.
Birgitte was encouraging and the space felt safe. I could be open and say or create whatever came into my head with complete freedom.’
— Nisha Vesuwala, Learning Consultant, Lewes

Art Therapy

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What makes the creative process so effective in psychotherapy?

Services and Workshops

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Find out about the next workshop and service details.

About Me

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Who am I and how do I work?


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Find out more about my service.

Wellbeing in Hand

Lewes, East Sussex

Call: 07948343003

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